1. Login to Appfolio and click Reporting → Reports → Tenant Directory. A prompt will appear to Customize the Report. Please select "current" and "notice" tenant statuses, "all" tenant type, and enter the address in Properties as pictured below. Click update.
2. Click "Actions" → "Save Layout" in the top right corner. Then select Make a copy of this report called: and label the report "Carson_Report" plus "_building address" plus ".xlsx" as pictured below. Then click Save.
For example, the file name for 800 Carson Ave would be "Carson_Report_800CarsonAve.xlsx"
3. Now the report is saved, click Reporting → Scheduled Reports → "New Scheduled Report" on the top right of the screen.
4. Then fill in the Schedule details, as follows:
a) insert the same file name, "Carson_Report_Address.xlsx",
b) select the report you just saved,
c) csv format,
d) add "residentsintegrations@carson.live" as the recipient
e) insert the same file name, "Carson_Report_Address.xlsx",
a) insert the same file name, "Carson_Report_Address.xlsx",
b) select the report you just saved,
c) csv format,
d) add "residentsintegrations@carson.
e) insert the same file name, "Carson_Report_Address.xlsx",
f) in the message please type the property management company and building address, e.g. Carson Management, 800 Carson Ave
g) the start date defaults to the current day
h) set the frequency to daily
Then click save
5. Please notify Carson's support team (support@carson.live) the report was created and a rep will confirm receipt.
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